We’re Working On Streaks!
Streaks are amazingly effective in just getting people to show up. It's a measure of habit/consistency, not progress -- but when effective training techniques and honest progress metrics are in place, streaks can truly push the needle on talent development.
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One of the many things we’re focusing on this year is implementing features to keep students on the rails with the talent development process.
The “rocket fuel” of successful talent development contains 3 main ingredients:
- train using effective techniques for improving performance,
- get enough training volume, and
- train consistently.
We’ve already put a lot of work into (1) – there is still more work to do on that front, but it’s no longer the bottleneck.
And our XP / completion date / progress metrics give honest reports of (2) – and the daily XP goal sets a concrete bar each day.
But right now we have nothing in support of (3).
Which is why we’re working on… STREAKS!
Streaks are amazingly effective in just getting people to show up.
Of course, if you don’t have honest progress metrics down pat, introducing streaks can be a bit dangerous because people will interpret streaks as a measure of progress instead of what it really is, a measure of habit/consistency.
But when effective training techniques and honest progress metrics are in place, streaks can truly push the needle on talent development.
Habit/consistency is not the only ingredient in the rocket fuel of talent development, but it is one of the critical ingredients, and the rocket will not launch successfully without it.
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